Welcome to the website of my practice
for Internal Medicine and Cardiology.
Welcome to
the website
of my practice.
The cardiovascular system is in the spotlight, although I pay particular attention to understanding and treating the patient as whole and most importantly as human being.
Office services:
• Echocardiography
• ECG & stress ECG (Ergometry)
• Long-term ECG, 24h ECG
• 24-hour blood pressure measurement
• Planning of- and information concerning inpatient services
Services at the Clinic:
• In- and outpatient treatment
• Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
• Cardiac and coronary catheterization
• Coronary intervention (Intracoronary Imaging, Stenting, PCI)
• Aortic Valve Intervention (minimal invasive - catheterbased TAVI)
As a longterm enthusiastic climber and alpinist as well as a trained high altitude physician, I am also happy to advise you specifically on the subject of mountaineering, climbing as well as alpine and high altitude medicine.
I am also happy to provide advice on lifestyle, cardiovascular prevention and general health, as well as specific advice concerning sports, training and competition.
What is „Wahlarzt“:
Was bedeutet Wahlarzt?
Private doctors („Wahlarzt“) do not have a bound contract with a health insurance company. This means that you receive a bill for the service provided, which you can then submit to your health insurance company, who will refund the expenses partially. Prescribed medication is available at your pharmacy at the usual prescription rate, just as it is when you visit a public health insurance physician.
About ME
My name is Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Schober, I am a specialist in internal medicine with additional subspecialties in cardiology and intensive care medicine. I direct the clinical research and TAVI program at the Department of Cardiology.
I am working as interventional cardiologist and senior physician at one of the largest cardiology departments in Austria, at the Department of Cardiology in Clinic Floridsdorf, Vienna. At our department we can offer a wide range of interventional and conservative cardiology (including coronary angiography, percutaneous coronary intervention, electrophysiological procedures, heart valve- and other structural heart disease interventions). It is a heart center with a long and successful collaboration with the cardio-surgical department. My clinical focus is on coronary intervention and implantation of catheter-based aortic valves.
You can find out more about my detailed medical and scientific career as well as an overview of my attended advanced training courses and diplomas here:
To have and to take time for you and for your health is my top priority.
The relationship between doctor and patient is the reason why I chose this profession. This combined with my scientific approach to modern medicine enables me to guarantee you a guideline directed treatment.
Make an appointment
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Schober
Specialist in internal medicine
Additional subscpecialties cardiology and intensive care medicine
Nussdorferstraße 60, 1090 Vienna
Tel: +43 (0) 664 791 04 47
Email: ordination@doktorschober.at
© 2019 | Dr. Andreas Schober
© 2019 | Dr. Andreas Schober
© 2019 | Dr. Andreas Schober